This article summarizes the conceptual and categorical apparatus for defining the concepts of "security" and "social security". The main purpose of the research is to identify the characteristic features and conceptual foundations of the social security dilemma. The systematization of literary sources and approaches to solving the problem proved that currently the category "social security" is not fully studied due to its partial affiliation to the set of concepts that constitute the national security of the state. The urgency of solving this scientific problem lies in the fact that the formation of the principles and mechanisms of ensuring social security will help in the prevention and resolution of ethnic and inter-ethnic conflicts, ensuring the correct guidelines for the implementation of the principles of social policy of the state, taking into account the interests of social groups. The study of the concept of the dilemma of social security is determined by a multi-component model, which is based on: the state, society and man. The concept of social security is formed on the basis of two statements "identification" and "response", as well as on the concepts of security and public security, as non-identical, but similar concepts in terms of tools. Indicators of social security can be considered indicators of human capital development, spending on education and health care, indicators characterizing the state of social and labor relations, and other macroeconomic indicators. It has been determined that threats to social security can arise when a society realizes that its "we" identity is under threat. The means that can threaten a society's identity can range from suppressing its self-expression to interfering with its ability to reproduce itself. The methodological tools of the conducted research were the method of comparisons, scientific abstraction, graphic and logical. The object of the study is the process of forming the concept of the dilemma of social security. The results of the conducted research can be useful for ensuring social security in the conditions of military operations in Ukraine
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