Financial support of higher education institutions is an important prerequisite for social and economic development of society. Ukraine has an extensive and powerful system of higher education institutions, so the issue of financial support for higher education institutions is particularly relevant. Today, the role of higher education is extremely important, indispensable and necessary for social transformation. Education is a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development of society and the most important tool for effective management. In the context of globalization, coverage of going beyond the state, as well as changes with international instruments of social development. The higher education system needs to respond to modernity, the duration of renewal and improvement. In Ukraine, at the legislative level, education is defined as a priority area of socio-economic, intellectual, spiritual and cultural development of society and the state. Current education should contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the unity of the world. Education should be given strategic status; large-scale; an important priority area; with expanded and updated content; form and methods of teaching in terms of informatization of society as a whole. In order for the Ukrainian prophecy to spread to the search for important tasks, it needs to be updated taking into account the current world trends in the development of education in a broad socio-economic context. Upgrading higher education systems ensures its effective functioning, equal access to it, the ability to provide the latest services and the ability to provide special ability. Budget expenditures on coverage are one of the relevant instruments of micro- and macroeconomic policy, through which the state can influence the allocation of financial resources, social transformation, employment, etc. The development of a sustainable society should be understood as a continuous process of learning, problem-solving and dilemmas, where the right answers and decisions can change with the burning of experience. The articles reasonably improve the role of financing higher education as one of the most important tools of social development of the state. An analysis of the impact of higher education on economic growth and promotion of social development. Separately effective areas of use of financial resources of higher education institutions as a tool of social development. The article highlights a number of topical proposals for expanding the existing system of higher education, which in the future will allow professionals to act as hydrocompetitors in the international labor market.
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