Keywords: hotel and restaurant business, Ukraine, war, tourism, business processes, BPM


The article is devoted to the study of business process management in the hotel and restaurant business in today's conditions, taking into account the realities of the market, war, and other influencing factors on the management of business processes in Ukraine. The study aims to show the current approaches to managing business processes in the hotel and restaurant business for competitive development. To achieve this goal, the study used general scientific methods of cognition, which include analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction. The article examines the current features of the formation of business models of the hotel and restaurant business, in particular, shows examples of innovative business models for managing the hotel and restaurant business; shows the key principles of business process management in the hotel and restaurant business, which include quality management, customer focus, and marketing strategies; considers the features of forming a hotel and restaurant business strategy, taking into account technological development and global factors. The study results show that despite the traditional components of the management system, it is important for hotel and restaurant business enterprises to manage product quality, form a customer-oriented product, and build a competent marketing strategy that should be developed each year in accordance with market changes. The paper shows the peculiarities of managing business processes under various factors, including market changes, changes in customer preferences, and global changes. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of its use for building business processes for the hotel and restaurant businesses operating in Ukraine. Effective business management in the hotel and restaurant business is the key to staying on the market during a crisis. This includes focusing on customer needs, effective financial management, quality control, human resource management, and effective marketing and promotion strategies. Management of business processes in the hotel and restaurant business includes the development of a strategy that should take into account the variability of the market, changing customer preferences, and include technological solutions that will be customer-oriented.


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How to Cite
Kushniruk, V., Velychko, O., & Koval, O. (2023). BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT IN THE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (47).