This article provides an analysis of the current state and issues faced by the grain product sub-complex of Ukraine, which is a strategic branch of the country's agro-industrial complex. The sub-complex plays a critical role in the growth of the national economy's agricultural sector. The article identifies the main factors that impact the efficiency of business entities within the sub-complex and highlights the importance of strategic technical and technological improvements through innovation and investment. To ensure the continued development of the grain product sub-complex, the article emphasizes the need for effective regulation of inter-branch relations between grain producers, processing entities, and branches of material and technical support. The grain market is crucial in forming the supply of primary food products for the population of Ukraine, and its value is significant in the country's export market. The article establishes the role of the state in ensuring the effective development of the grain industry of Ukraine, and it outlines the future prospects for the sub-complex. The findings of the study emphasize the need for continued investment in the sector, and the importance of innovation and technological improvements to increase efficiency and profitability. The article's analysis provides valuable insights into the current state and future potential of the grain product sub-complex of Ukraine. Іn order to ensure the further development of the grain product sub-complex, significant attention should be paid to the regulation of inter-branch relations between grain producers, processing enterprises and branches of material and technical support of production and processing processes. The grain market serves as the basis for the formation of the supply of the main types of food products for the population of the state and their value, as well as an important export product, an irreplaceable raw material for many branches of waste disposal. The role of the state in ensuring the effective development of the grain industry of Ukraine is determined. The study emphasizes the importance of strategic investments in the sub-complex, technological advancements, and innovations, which can help increase efficiency, profitability and secure the industry's future growth.
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