Keywords: border crossing point, road transport, freight, Poland, Ukraine


The article devotes to analysis the freight flows across road border crossing points at Ukrainian-Polish section of the state border. Firstly, the share of freight traffic across the Ukrainian-Polish section of the state border has been calculated. Secondly, the road checkpoints for freight transportation (hereafter BCP) have been characterised. Thirdly, freight flows of trucks (units) and cargo (thousand tons) during 2018-2021 through each BCP have been estimated. Fourthly, the average load coefficient for each BCP has been calculated. An increase in the number of freight vehicles crossings Ukrainian-Polish section of the state border has been observed. In general, their amount grew by 1.5 times during 2015-2021. It was concluded that the Ukrainian-Polish section of the state border accounted for a one third passage of all road freight transport across the state border and it share steady grew within years. There are eight border crossing points at the border with Poland for road transport. Five of them are for freight vehicles as well as passenger transport. BCPs varies regarding the design capacity and availability of different inspections. However, road BCPs for freight are all international by type and with 24/7 working hours. BCP “Smilnytsya” is the smallest by designed capacity for freight vehicles and has a cargo limit up to 7.5 tons. The road that moves through BCP “Smilnytsya” is territorial significance. In contrast, BCP “Yahodyn” is the largest in terms of designed capacity for freight vehicles. Through three of five BCPs pass European routes such as E373, E372, E40. BCP “Yahodyn” accounted near 40% of all trucks that crossed Ukrainian-Polish section of the state border. Although, the reported number of transit trucks is the smallest in BCP “Yahodyn”. Mostly transit trucks passed through BCP “Rava-Ruska”. Generally, transit trucks accounted only 4% in all trucks crossing the Ukrainian-Polish section of the state border in 2021. It can be concluded that export-import goods are transported through the Ukrainian-Polish section of the state border. Four out of five BCPs are characterised by the average load coefficient over 100% and such trend is steady during 2018-2021.


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