Keywords: green energy, green tariff, renewable energy, solar power plants, wind power plants


The article is devoted to the study of the development of green energy as the main factor of energy independence of Ukraine. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that Ukraine is dependent on imported energy carriers, and the resources that are extracted on the territory of the state are not enough to fully meet the demand. The purpose of the article is to develop practical recommendations aimed at ensuring the stable functioning of the green energy sector in Ukraine. To achieve this goal, a number of tasks were solved in the course of the study: the concept of "green energy", the main types and advantages of the transition towards clean and safe renewable sources were defined, the peculiarities of the transition to green energy in foreign countries and the potential of renewable energy sources in Ukraine were analyzed, the problems of green energy in our country were identified and practical recommendations for their solution were proposed. The study used general scientific methods of cognition: theoretical analysis, synthesis, description, systematization, comparison and generalization. According to the results of the study, it was found that green energy is based on the use of inexhaustible or renewable energy sources. Production of energy from such sources causes much less harm to the environment, contributes to the conservation of fossil fuels, increases life expectancy, creates new jobs and energy independence of the state. Ukraine has a significant potential to replace Russian energy resources with renewable generation, but due to the war it cannot realize it. Today, the main problems of green energy in Ukraine are: damage, destruction and suspension of green energy facilities, financial crisis, suspension of construction of new wind power plants, lack of support from the state, lack of a single strategic document that defines the directions of green energy development in Ukraine. The solution of these problems requires the implementation of the following measures: restoration of damaged and destroyed renewable energy facilities, payment of debts to producers of "green" electricity, support for domestic production of equipment for green energy facilities, support from the state, approval of a single strategic document that will clearly define the directions of green energy development in Ukraine. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using the results obtained by public authorities in the process of developing a legislative framework in the field of green energy.


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How to Cite
Mykhailova, L., Semenyshyna, I., & Shpatakova, O. (2023). GREEN ENERGY AS A FACTOR OF ENERGY INDEPENDENCE OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (47).