Keywords: enterprise resources, information resources, resource support, resource potential, resource management


The article examines approaches to understanding the essence of enterprise resources and management activities to manage them. The meaning and relationships between the terms "resources", "resource provision", "resource potential" have been clarified. Intangible resources mainly include only those resources related to intellectual property and ensuring the protection of rights to it. This comes from the traditional approach used in accounting, but does not reflect the entire set of intangible resources that are at the disposal of a modern enterprise. This group of resources should include informational, intellectual and those related to the experience of the operation of the enterprise as a certain system (organizational and managerial). With such a division, we can talk about the availability of space and time resources in the enterprise, as in a certain system. It is also appropriate to include the company's work on lists of suppliers and buyers, which should be considered as a separate element of intangible resources, to intangible resources. We suggest that normative and methodological resources should also be considered intangible resources. This is, in particular, the availability of tools for regulating relationships within the enterprise, in the form of instructions, methodological guidelines that consolidate the universal knowledge of the organization, and also regulate methods of accumulating information as an important resource. Information resources are a coordinating and connecting element between all parts of the enterprise, as a system in the process of acquiring new knowledge, that is, in the process of learning the organization. Therefore, information or knowledge is a unit of information resources, and at the same time, information resources determine the possibilities of training and development of the organization, it is a tool of such training. In the resource approach, the company is required to proactively create, maintain and develop resources and competencies specific to it. The possibility of such development is determined by the availability of data on the past activity of the enterprise; information about the current state of affairs, about the abilities and skills of individual employees and the team as a whole, their knowledge and skills; information about the external environment, including forecasting of possible development options. Information resources should be considered as one of the elements of strategic resources in a modern organization.


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How to Cite
Abushov, T. (2022). HE ESSENCE AND CONTENT OF THE INTANGIBLE RESOURCES OF THE MODERN ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (46). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-46-45