Keywords: intellectual resources, intellectual capacity, intellectual capital, investment, innovation


The article deals with current issues of determining the essence and features of the country's intellectual potential; common and distinctive features of intellectual potential and intellectual capital are revealed; the structure and characteristics of the intellectual potential are substantiated; the system of factors forming intellectual potential is investigated; the role of the market and the state in transforming intellectual resources, mobilizing intellectual capacity and building intellectual capital is highlighted. The resource genesis of intellectual potential is being investigated. Intellectual resources are classified as: human intelligence, which is divided into creative and entrepreneurial abilities; artificial intelligence which consists of systems (technical tools and software products) capable of creating, processing and transmitting information and information databases providing intelligent activity; intelligent products that help create new knowledge and products that help transform new knowledge into innovation. The latter include objects of intellectual property, know-how, good-will. The process of transforming intellectual resources into intellectual potential and, further, its mobilization in the economy in the form of intellectual capital is carried out with the direct influence of state and market. In the first stage of transformations, the state is intended to provide incentives for innovative work, as an intellectual, creative activity of the individual, which has a high social status, and the market - to give impulses of demand for innovative work. In the second phase of transformation, the state creates incentives for innovative entrepreneurship, and the market - forms the impulses of demand for innovation. The need for active state participation in the second stage is caused by the objective information essence of the innovative product and the ability of uncontrolled diffusion.


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