Our article aims to study the current state of investment activity in Ukraine and determine the main problems and the ways of their solution in the investment sphere. We have looked into both domestic and international aspects of investment activity. When writing this article, we used historical, logical, statistical, graphic, and tabular methods of research, as well as the methods of comparison, grouping, analysis, and synthesis. Today, when Ukraine is suffering enormous human, material, and financial losses due to the full-scale Russian aggression, the prospects of recovery and sustainable development of the national economy depend on the intensification of investment activity, as investments have a direct impact on the increase of macroeconomic development indicators and facilitate efficient market transformations. The research helped establish the deterioration of investment activity indicators in Ukraine in 2020 and 2022, which a number of factors had stipulated. In order to step out from the crisis, it is necessary to implement a complex of measures aimed at the improvement of the investment climate and assistance in the attraction of internal and external investments into the economy of our country. The major ones are seen as follows: judicial reform, formation of a developed domestic market with middle-class and high-income citizens, promotion of bank lending as an investment source (reduction of the inflation rate, decline of the state share in the banking system, creation of favorable conditions for foreign banking capitals), reformation of the national securities and stock market in order to make equity securities more attractive for investors, and reduce the state Ukrainian budget financing via the sales of domestic government bonds, which wash away the investors' funds from the real sector and create colossal state debt and burden the state budget. We plan to conduct our further research in the direction of studies of specific legal, financial, and economic mechanisms, which would allow for the attraction of new investment resources into the national economy from internal and external sources and increase its investment attractiveness.
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