Keywords: financial condition of enterprises, investment expectations, financial interaction of the state and enterprises, recovery of the national economy, post-war period


The article examines the problems of ensuring the development of the national economy in the post-war period. The purpose of the article was to substantiate the peculiarities of ensuring the development of the national economy in the post-war period, taking into account the consequences of military actions. Actuality of theme. Russia's military intervention has a significant impact on all spheres of society. Most enterprises need assistance from the state due to the consequences of military actions (partial or complete destruction of enterprises and production infrastructure) to ensure post-war full-scale reconstruction and reconstruction. At the same time, enterprises that are not in the zone of active hostilities have adapted to the conditions of the war period and restored profitability and have opportunities for investment. Limited budgetary resources and high risks of private investment in wartime additionally reduce domestic opportunities to restore the level of investment potential. Therefore, it is important to improve the system of financial interaction between the state and enterprises in the post-war period for co-financing projects for the reconstruction of production facilities, reviving the activities of domestic enterprises, ensuring the solvency of business entities and activating innovative factors of economic growth. Research methods. In the course of the study, methods of systemic and historical-logical analysis, structural-functional analysis, and statistical comparisons were used. The article assesses the impact of military operations on the financial condition of large and medium-sized domestic enterprises by types of economic activity; the implementation of export-import operations during the war period was analyzed; the investment expectations of enterprises for 2023 are outlined; approaches to ensuring the development of the national economy in the post-war period are summarized, in particular in terms of the priority areas of economic recovery of Ukraine; the peculiarities of ensuring the development of the national economy, which consist in changing the foundations of financial relations between the state and large and medium-sized enterprises in the post-war period to ensure the restoration of the economic activity of such enterprises, post-war full-scale reconstruction and reconstruction, and the activation of innovative factors of economic growth, are substantiated. The practical value of the article lies in the substantiation of recommendations regarding the introduction of instruments of co-financing by the state and enterprises of investment projects for the recovery of the economy and the introduction of innovative tax benefits from the income tax for important investment projects for the modernization of enterprises.


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How to Cite
Bilousova, O. (2022). FEATURES OF ENSURING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY IN THE POST-WAR PERIOD. Economy and Society, (46). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-46-49