Keywords: fixed assets, audit of operations with fixed assets, analysis, inventory, inspection, working documents of the auditor


The article is devoted to the actual issues of control and verification of part of the accounting, which refers to fixed assets at enterprises that conduct production activities. It is fixed assets that occupy a large part of the currency of the balance sheet, and therefore require special control over this area of accounting. The necessity of conducting an audit of operations with fixed assets, the goal set before the auditor, the tasks that must be performed during the audit of fixed assets, the objects that must be examined in a mandatory manner, the subject area are disclosed. The following accounts must be analyzed: 10 "Fixed assets", 131 "Depreciation of fixed assets", 151 "Capital construction", 152 "Purchase (production) of fixed assets", financial reporting in the part of fixed assets accounting, primary documentation. It was determined which documents should be studied and analyzed, as well as used in the process of auditing fixed assets. A scheme for conducting a phased audit of fixed assets is proposed for a better perception of information and a more detailed check of each section of accounting separately, from which it can be seen that the introductory stage is familiarization with the statutory documents, the next stage is a check of the primary documentation related to the accounting of fixed assets, then the audit is carried out separately each part of the accounting of these assets, the next stage is the study of financial reporting indicators, and the final stage is the formulation of the auditor's conclusions. The methods that must be used in the process of conducting an audit of fixed assets are given to ensure a comprehensive check, because the audit of fixed assets is a time-consuming process that requires the processing of a sufficiently large number of documents. The following main methods are considered: inventory, survey, documentary verification, which includes formal, arithmetical and substantive, sample research, analytical review, verification of decisions made and verification of labor discipline. It is described that the analytical review, which includes the study of calculation coefficients, should contain three main analyses: technical condition, movement and use of fixed assets. All the methods described in the article will allow a qualitative audit of fixed assets and provide the correct conclusion for further actions.


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How to Cite
Datsenko, A., & Kudirko, O. (2022). FEATURES OF AUDIT OF FIXED ASSETS AT MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (46). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-46-32