Keywords: migration, migration policy, migration crisis, European Union, Schengen agreements


The article is devoted to the study and analysis of the European Union's migration policy, the search for problems that slow down its development and ways to solve them. The relevance of the study is stipulated by the need for a total revision of the European Union's migration policy in connection with the intensification of migration processes and the influx of refugees into Europe. The purpose of the article is to develop ways to solve the problems of the EU migration policy. In order to achieve this goal, the study solved a number of tasks: the concept of "migration policy" and the legal framework of the EU migration policy were defined, the migration crises of 2015 and 2022 were analyzed, the main problems of migration policy were identified and ways to overcome them were proposed. The study uses general scientific methods of cognition. The EU migration policy is analyzed using the method of critical analysis. In the process of synthesizing information, the problems of migration policy are identified. Recommendations for solving these problems are developed using the methods of induction and deduction. The study found that the issue of migration in the EU is regulated at the legislative level in compliance with the fundamental rights and freedoms of every citizen. However, the liberal approach, which can be traced in almost all migration agreements, leads to an increase in migrant flows and the emergence of migration crises. All of this indicates the need to revise the European Union's migration policy, which has faced unprecedented challenges. These problems include: an increase in the scale of illegal migration; growth of organized crime; confrontation between countries that want to restrict access for migrants and countries that are ready to accept them in the future; ineffective system of distribution of migrants from "countries of first entry"; "pushing back" of migrants at the borders of the Balkan route; negative impact of migrants on the cultural sphere of the European Union. The solution to these problems requires the following measures: adoption of regulatory documents to limit migration flows at the European level; unification of EU migration legislation and legislation of the Member States; adoption of laws with new approaches to responsibility and solidarity in the migration policy of the countries of "first entry" and other EU countries; additional assistance in border protection to the Western Balkan countries; establishment of cooperation with the countries of origin of migrants; introduction of institutionalized. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying the results obtained by public authorities in the process of developing a legislative framework in the migration sphere.


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How to Cite
Kuryliuk, Y., Rodinova, N., & Ovchar, P. (2022). PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF THE EU MIGRATION POLICY. Economy and Society, (46).

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