Keywords: crimes, state policy, prevention of economic crimes, combating economic crimes, economic security


The article is devoted to the study of developments in dissertation research on the development of theoretical concepts and methodological provisions of the state policy of preventing and combating economic crime. The trends of publication activity of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of prevention and counteraction of economic crimes have been established, which makes it possible to identify the features of modern theoretical knowledge and outline the scientific picture of the world in the context of the investigated problem. The factors of the importance of the research of publication activity on the problems of the state policy of prevention and counteraction of economic crime in the system of guaranteeing the economic security of Ukraine have been determined, among which: economic crime is at the intersection of the interests of various participants in social relations, which determines the diversity of customers of scientific research; the interdisciplinary nature of this social phenomenon indicates the versatility of the object-subject field of research, the methodology of studying this social phenomenon and the mechanisms proposed to ensure the processes of preventing and countering economic crime; the consequences of economic crime can manifest themselves on different scales, with different content and forums, which is important for state policy and guaranteeing the economic security of the state. It was determined that it is necessary to identify modern tendencies and trends in order to expand theoretical knowledge about economic crime as an object of economic research and to develop a modern methodology for the formation and implementation of state policy, taking into account the latest research. In the work, a meaningful analysis and systematization of dissertation studies of domestic scientists was carried out to study the publication activity of the development of theoretical ideas and methodological provisions of the state policy of preventing and combating economic crime.


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