The article considers the dialectic of the essence of the category "development of the tourism industry" by determining its structural and functional content, which allowed to form a conceptual definition of the main parameters of tourism development as a process of development and management decisions using tools to influence the socio-economic factor of social development and as an integral attribute of modern world globalization processes. To this end, based on the results obtained in the study, a mechanism of adaptive, integrated use of the existing tourist and recreational potential of the country was proposed, as well as outlining the main ways to increase the national economy and foreign policy under uncertainty (pandemic COVID-19, quarantine restrictions, prohibition of free border crossing, etc.). The main directions, taking into account the world economic tendencies, to the formation of the principles of adequate and effective management of the development of the tourism industry in Ukraine are systematized. A comprehensive scientific and methodological approach to diagnosing the development of the national market of tourist services is proposed, which allows to analyze the state of development of the tourism industry, assess trends and features of the tourism market. According to the results of the study, the mechanism of formation and implementation of the strategy of development of the market of tourist services in the conditions of uncertainty was improved, where the main emphasis is made on such elements as: determination of determinants of development of the market of tourist services; assessment of socio-economic characteristics of the market of tourist services; setting goals, type of strategy and strategic priorities; ensuring the sequence of actions to generate a strategy for the development of the market of tourist services, etc. Strategic directions of adaptation of traditional national sectors of tourism in the conditions of strengthening of influence of factors of external environment to the leading world standards and practices of doing business are defined, among which it is possible to allocate separately: updating of material and technical base of objects of tourist service; transition to international ISO standards and other international standards that ensure sustainable development of tourism, infrastructure improvement, etc.
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