The article proves the necessity of studying the experience of European countries in the implementation of regulatory policy. In particular, it is stated that the European Union is one of the largest trading partners of Ukraine: the specific weight of trade with the EU in 2020 was 40.7% of the total volume of international trade, the strategic course of acquiring full membership in the EU is enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine. Therefore, economic integration and bringing national legislation to European standards are inevitable. It was also noted that the fastest way for a country with a weak economy to move to the trajectory of sustainable economic growth is to adopt the experience of administrative reform and regulatory management. It was found that it is small and medium-sized businesses that are the most dynamic, adapt the fastest to technological changes and are the driving force for the accelerated introduction of innovations in the real sector. However, world globalization and the international division of labour have disadvantages that are associated with the excessive dependence of the Eurozone economy on external influences: international trade, the political situation in other countries, etc. Therefore, EU countries believe that small and medium-sized businesses are crucial for their future stability and economic development. It has been proven that the development of all regulatory acts by state authorities must take place with the first requirement of taking into account the interests of SMEs: changes to the regulatory and legal framework must take place annually on specified dates in order to facilitate their monitoring; all regulatory initiatives must undergo mandatory discussions with all interested parties and the "SME Test" to identify negative impacts on them; in case of introduction of unpopular measures, mitigating measures in the form of transitional periods and exemption from reporting should be applied for small enterprises; maximum simplification of tax accounting; a collection of proposals on easing the administrative pressure on SMEs, with the aim of maximally reducing their expenses.
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