Keywords: production potential, agrarian enterprise, resources, potential, enterprise opportunity


The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical essence and structure of the production potential of an agricultural enterprise. It is proved that in modern conditions it is necessary to constantly analyze and evaluate the structure of production potential, because without it the strategic development and effective operation of the enterprise is impossible, and therefore the achievement of the set goals and objectives. The production potential of an agricultural enterprise is a fairly broad system. The availability of natural and material goods, labor, intellectual and investment resources is decisive in choosing the location of the enterprise. Economic efficiency of the enterprise is based on the rational use of resources. The definition of the concept of "production potential", which is in constant transformation, is substantiated, attention is focused on various approaches to the interpretation of this concept, and the main ones are identified: resource, structural and target. The leading factors and factors that influence the potential of the enterprise during its production activity are analyzed. In the process of production, the potential of the enterprise is influenced by objective and subjective factors. The structure of production potential is considered, it is noted that the elements of production potential include all those components that the enterprise uses in its activities in order to achieve its goals. It includes: potential of land resources and natural-climatic conditions, potential of fixed assets, potential of current assets, potential of non-current assets, labor potential. The article proposes to generalize approaches to the definition of "production potential" and provide the following definition: production potential is a set of existing and potential resources of the enterprise, which ensure the achievement of its goals under the influence of external and internal factors. The article also provides recommendations for improving its structure and including an innovative component, since information technology is also a significant resource in the production activities of the enterprise.


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