Keywords: international transportation, road transport, freight transportation, international business, Incoterms®


The article is devoted to the actual issues of freight transportation by road during international activities. The main stages of international transportation, which must be followed during cargo transportation by road, were specified. It is worth highlighting some of them: preparation of goods for transportation, signing insurance contract, export customs clearance, preparation of CMR, goods transportation, goods arrival in the destination country, and goods delivery to the final destination place. The importance of using Incoterms® terms for international freight transportation was emphasized. The choice of Incoterms® terms depends on many factors, such as the characteristics of the product, chosen route, and the type of vehicle for transportation. It is noted that the current state of the transport industry does not fully meet the requirements of the effective implementation of the European integration course of Ukraine and the integration of the national transport network into the Trans-European transport network (TEN-T). Since the beginning of the war, the volume of freight transportation has undergone significant changes in all types of transport: international (export), and transit freight transportation has decreased; the transport infrastructure suffered significant shelling and destruction (road surface, ports, railway tracks). The volume of transported goods by types of transport in Ukraine for ten years was analysed. Tendencies to reduce the use of rail transport and increase the number of cargo transportation by road were identified. The volumes of transportation by road transport by types of cargo, both in Ukraine and abroad, were considered. Ways of development of freight transport by road in international business are highlighted: increase in the number of truck carriers that transport goods in the direction of the European Union; increase in the trade between the EU and Ukraine; expansion the range of goods that can be transported by road freight transport; preservation and expansion of product supply chains between Ukraine and European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) member countries; involvement of Ukrainian logistics companies in transit transportation by road and transportation of goods from other countries.


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How to Cite
Bolkvadze, N., & MyhalО. (2022). FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION BY ROAD IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (46).