Keywords: tourism specialists, professional competence, specialized tourism


The article is devoted to the actual problem of forming the professional competence of future tourism specialists. The grounds for the further development of the tourism sphere in Ukraine are outlined, first of all, these are rich tourist resources, namely: natural and climatic conditions, rich historical-cultural and national-ethnographic resources, a large number of unused territories suitable for tourism and recreation; more than 125 thousand monuments of architecture and urban planning; hundreds of museums with collections of unique archaeological finds testifying to the unique and ancient culture of Ukrainians. From this point of view, the importance of a professionally competent worker in the field of tourism is substantiated. A considerable role in this process of teaching disciplines of the professional training cycle of the specialty is outlined, which is illustrated by the example of the educational discipline «Specialized tourism». The purpose, tasks, as well as competences mastered by students in the process of studying the discipline «Specialized tourism» are highlighted, among them: understanding of modern trends and regional priorities of tourism development, processes of organizing tourist trips, technologies for organizing the work of the subject of the tourism industry and its subsystems; the ability to monitor tourist information, the ability to present tourist information material, determine individual tourist needs, use modern tourist service technologies. Separate approaches to the selection of forms of organization of lectures and practical classes in the course of teaching the discipline «Specialized tourism» are presented. It is noted that lectures-visualizations, lectures – virtual excursions and binary lectures with employers are the most efficient and effective forms of organizing lecture classes within the discipline "Specialized tourism". The effectiveness of the division of tasks for practical classes into reproductive, partial search, search or research is illustrated. The great interest of students in the use of such interactive teaching methods as master classes, press conferences, round tables by the teacher within the educational discipline "Specialized tourism" was noted.


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