Keywords: martial law, economic crisis, tax policy, taxes, simplified and general taxation systems, mechanism of tax policy


The mechanism of tax policy is basics for national fiscal sphere functioning, rationality in its established structure is one of the main guarantee of preserving the country competition position on the global world market, it influences on country development prospects, supporting and strengthening financial stability, solvency and fixity of economic processes. Therefore, transformation of the tax policy mechanism in the context of the martial law is an important step on the way of adaptation Ukrainian fiscal sphere to newly created conditions. Actual changes in the structure of the tax policy mechanism are important critically. They are necessary for economic stabilization and satisfaction the keywords economic needs, which appeared during war, first of all, national needs in determination strategic and tactic steps and business needs, when every business entity is in the unprecedented difficult context and needs in formation optimal environment to saving efficiency of the own business. Accordingly, the importance of the science paper lies in need of researching realized changes in structure of the tax policy and determination of its effectiveness on the way to adaptation business and fiscal sphere to war conditionals. Accordingly, the article is devoted to the analysis of current transformations, which were realized for adaptation mechanism of tax policy to war conditions in Ukraine. Comparison, methods of abstraction, analysis and generalization are the research methods which were used in the article. In this science paper the essence of the tax policy mechanism, as well as main transformations, which were realized under influenced of the full-scale war in Ukraine, were determined. Main changes, which were made in tax legal framework in connection with the optimization of the mechanism of tax policy and fiscal sphere, decrease tax burden on national enterprises, business supporting and stimulation were described. Newly in tax rules, first of all tax administration, accrual and payment, which takes place under war conditionals was analyzed by authors; dynamic of tax payments during war in Ukraine and results of tax policy transformation was researched.


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How to Cite
Bilenko, O., & Savchenko, S. (2022). TRANSFORMATION OF THE MECHANISM OF TAX POLICY IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR. Economy and Society, (46).