The article is dedicated to the studies of the nationally expressive elements usage and their peculiarities in the redesign of Ukrainian food products packaging, in particular, dairy products sold by the leading domestic brands. The article aims to determine the particularities of changes in the dairy products packaging paying specific attention to the addition of nationally expressive elements. The object of the study is the packaging of dairy products, because it is a traditional product of everyday usage, and in addition, there is high competition among manufacturers in Ukraine, which motivates them to quickly respond to consumer moods, as well as fight for recognizability, using the packaging design expression. The subject is the peculiarities of product packaging design changes. The research drew attention to the original nature of the packaging for domestic dairy products and the peculiarities of the visual elements actualization in their design, which would serve as a way of demonstrating the manufacturer's beliefs and at the same time as a tool of distancing from the aggressor country. With the help of graphic objects that reinterpret the motifs of traditional Ukrainian folk paintings or works of famous domestic artists, the packaging design of the dairy products by such brands as "Slovianochka", "Kaniv", "Halychyna" expresses the idea of the manufacturer, broadcasts their values, which is an important factor for the consumer who needs to make a purchase decision. The conclusion is made that on the Ukrainian market the appearance of dairy products with an updated design, which has nationally expressive elements, corresponds to the trend of general national style formation in packaging. Due to the actualization of national motives, dairy producers aspire not only to create an attractive design of their products but also to conduct a dialogue with the consumer about "Ukrainianness", art and culture, conservation of nature and multiplication of resources, national unity in the conditions of wartime challenges. Compliance with the legal requirements in the usage of nationally expressive visual materials in the packaging design for dairy products was also noted. The usage of nationally expressive elements during the updating of the domestic dairy products packaging design is considered appropriate because, in the conditions of the full-scale invasion of Russia, it realizes the desire of brands to increase consumer loyalty in a difficult time for the country.
Зустрічайте оновлену “Слов’яночку”. URL: (дата звернення: 26.12.2022)
Нова «Галичина» з чистих Карпат у новому дизайні. URL: (дата звернення: 26.12.2022)
Перевтілення “Слов’яночки”. URL: (дата звернення: 23.12.2022)
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