Keywords: management, LEAN management, lean production, potential, crisis


The article is devoted to using LEAN management tools by Ukrainian enterprises in crisis conditions. LEAN management makes it possible to achieve the main task of the enterprise in crisis conditions, preserve the team's productivity and use the available resources as efficiently as possible. In the world, interest in this topic is growing year by year among theoreticians and practitioners. Enterprises of various types of activity are already actively applying the concept of «lean production», which is implemented by the standards ISO: 9000 and ISO: 9001 series. The purpose of the study is to justify the feasibility of implementing the LEAN management toolkit in crisis conditions based on a review of the history of the formation of an ancient type of management, principles of operation, generalization of the main tools and a theoretical model of implementation. LEAN management tools are Heijunka, 5S, Jidoka, VSM (Value Stream Mapping), JIT (Just in Time), Kaizen, and Kanban. The conceptual model of enterprise implementation includes the following phases: planning, training, technology implementation, and process coaching. The prerequisite for implementing LEAN is the understanding that it is not just a type of management but a different way of thinking. The article focuses mainly on the company’s personnel and management interaction to achieve cost-saving management goals. The practicality of using LEAN management in crisis conditions instead of anti-crisis management is substantiated since the LEAN philosophy is more socially responsible. The main directions of the enterprise’s activity in crisis conditions from the LEAN point of view are outlined: management of labour potential, cost management, visual management and compliance with the order. The priority steps of the company’s management to implement LEAN management in crisis conditions are also proposed: organize training of employees, including to assess potential risks; ensure actions to reduce the time of management decisions and the time of the production cycle; standardize operations; organize workplaces within the framework of the 5S methodology; implementation of short Kaizen projects to increase productivity. Further research will study the implementation of LEAN management at enterprises of various types of economic activity in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Denysiuk, O., & Sannikova, S. (2022). LEAN MANAGEMENT AS A TECHNOLOGY FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF DOMESTIC ENTERPRISES IN CRISIS CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (46). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-46-13