Keywords: civil law regulation, regulatory framework, insurance, loss, war


The scientific article is a comprehensive and independent study of the insurance procedure in the current legislation of Ukraine during wartime. Based on the analysis of literary sources of recent years and other authoritative publications, monographs, scientific interpretations and additions to the legislation of Ukraine, norms of current civil legislation and the practice of applying insurance, the concept and characteristic features of insurance are revealed. A person's life and health, as well as the fate of his property, also depend on various, often unpredictable and inevitable events. Deprived of the opportunity to influence the events themselves, people have always been and remain concerned with how to distract or at least mitigate their negative consequences. In turn, the authorities try to minimize the harmful impact of such tragic events, which are associated with the death of many people. Today, in the conditions of Russia's war against the entire population of Ukraine, every citizen seeks to protect himself from possible dangers and risks, one of the following methods of protection is insurance protection offered by insurance companies. When contacting an insurance company, the insurer concludes an insurance contract, which is a legal document. The development of society and competition in the insurance market led to the creation of qualitatively new insurance products, which led to the development of the practice of insurance contracts and the need for their regulation at the legislative level. The study outlines the main trends in the development of insurance in Ukraine after the start of the war, discusses the debatable issues regarding the definition of the elements of insurance legal relations in wartime conditions. The result of the study was the formulation of conclusions regarding the functioning of the insurance services market and the peculiarities of the interaction of market participants during the war.


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How to Cite
Kaluhar, A., & Kucherivska, S. (2022). FEATURES OF THE INTERACTION OF INSURANCE PARTICIPANTS IN THE PERIOD OF WAR. Economy and Society, (46). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-46-15