The article is devoted to current problems of ensuring social and demographic security in terms of economic security and their interrelated elements. The definition of "demographic security" was considered in view of the economic and social inclination. Analyzed trends in the topic of writing articles by scientists. Demographic security was evaluated according to the "Methodical recommendations for calculating the level of economic security of Ukraine", the results obtained indicate negative trends, because only in the year two thousand and eleven the indicator exceeded fifty percent. The considered indicators of social security in terms of administrative-territorial units. Priority national tasks of demographic security are highlighted: constant increase in the number of the population based on the tendency to increase the birth rate and expected life expectancy, decrease in the mortality rate of the population; improvement of the general level of health, development of the spiritual, moral and intellectual potential of the country; strengthening the institution of the family as an important social institution, increasing the importance of realizing the need for the birth of children, favorable conditions for this, raising offspring; optimization of internal and external migration flows, ensuring a positive balance of external migration of the economically active population. The relationship between the improvement of social institutions and branches of the social sphere to ensure the recovery of the next generations is revealed. The dynamics of the emergence of socially dangerous diseases on the territory of Ukraine, in particular tuberculosis, HIV infection, are analyzed. The analysis of expenditures of the consolidated budget of Ukraine showed that education has the largest share among the areas of expenditures of the consolidated budget, health care is in second place, but all in all, funding is insufficient to ensure the normal operation of these institutions. The impact of migration processes on the future quantitative and qualitative reproduction of the population is outlined.
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