Keywords: tourism, local community, management, decentralization, territory, development, local self-government


The purpose of the article is to highlight topical issues of tourism development management in local communities using the example of territorial communities of Khmelnytskyi oblast in the post-decentralization period. The main research methods are analysis, content analysis, synthesis and cartographic method. The topicality of the topic is caused by the increase in demand for domestic (local) tourism and the need to monitor the success of the decentralization reform in Ukraine. The article focuses on ensuring the sustainable development of tourism in host communities. An analysis of the modern system of national policy in the field of tourism in Ukraine at the local level was carried out. The course and specifics of the implementation of the decentralization reform in the Khmelnytskyi oblast and its impact on tourism are considered. Territorial communities of the region were typified according to the potential of building a tourism development management system. On this basis, 3 types and 9 subtypes of communities are distinguished. The urban type (A) of communities consists of 5 subtypes and includes 13 communities. Type B consists of 3 subtypes and unites 22 settlement communities. Rural type C is divided into 2 subtypes and has 25 communities. Attribution of a local community to a certain type determines the starting prospects for the development of the tourism development management system. Within each type, the best management practices (cases) of regulating tourist activities are identified and characterized. 4 basic elements of ensuring the functioning of the tourism management system in the local community have been identified. These include the executive body of local self-government in the field of tourism, the program for the development of tourism in the territorial community, the tourist information center, and the tourist tax. The essence of the mentioned elements was characterized and their presence in the local communities of the region was analyzed. With the help of cartographic modeling, the main growth poles (zones) of the local tourist organizational and management network are outlined. The main ones are the Central (Khmelnytskyi, Medzhibyzh, Letychiv, Chornyi Ostriv) and Southern (Kamianets-Podilskyi, Nova Ushytsia, Stara Ushytsia, Humentsi) zones. The main areas of improvement of tourism development management models in local communities are proposed. The practical value of the article lies in the identification of territorial and organizational disparities in the development of the tourism development management system. The results of the research can be used in the development of complex and sectoral programs for the development of regional socio-economic systems.


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