Keywords: strategy, goal, dental practice, SWOT-analysis, strategic map, balanced scorecard, key performance indicators


The presented article is devoted to the problem of substantiation of the dental institution strategy. The relevance of this study is due to the rapid pace of change, increased competition, globalization and other challenges of the external environment, which determine the growing importance of strategic management of the enterprise. This issue becomes especially relevant in conditions of uncertainty and risks. For the successful functioning and even survival of the enterprise in difficult conditions, it is necessary not only to have a well-founded strategy, but also the tools for its implementation. To date, strategic management in medical institutions is not widespread in Ukraine. This situation is due to the lack of methodological support that takes into account the specifics of the functioning of medical institutions, as well as positive practical experience in its implementation. The purpose of the article is to substantiate, on the basis of a strategic analysis, the development strategy of a dental institution, the formation of a strategic map and the development of a balanced scorecard adapted to the specifics of its activities. The problem that is solved in this scientific work is a detailed study of the dental enterprise with the help of SWOT-analysis, the introduction of KPI – key performance indicators in its activities to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise. The article considers and uses a methodical approach to performing SWOT-analysis, which, unlike traditional approaches, provides a quantitative assessment of the impact of external and internal environment factors on the prospects of enterprise development. According to the results of SWOT-analysis the strategy of the enterprise is chosen. To concretize the chosen strategy, a strategic map was built and a balanced scorecard of the dental enterprise was developed. The introduction of indicators will give impetus to the implementation of the strategy, increase the profitability of the enterprise, control activities and development by establishing areas of responsibility of individual employees, ensuring continuous monitoring of the achievement of goals and key performance indicators, increasing staff motivation through the introduction of a remuneration system that ensures the relationship between the amount of remuneration and the implementation of KPIs.


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How to Cite
Dovbnia, S., & Kuiun, O. (2022). SPECIFICATION OF THE STRATEGY OF THE DENTAL INSTITUTION BY USING A SYSTEM OF BALANCED SCORECARDS. Economy and Society, (46). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-46-1