The concept of «social responsibility» in the scientific environment has a wide range of interpretations, as it can be considered depending on the degree of involvement in the social sphere and different levels of influence: at the level of the individual, at the corporate level, at the state level, at the international (global) level. At the same time, the concept of social responsibility of marketing remains insufficiently defined and requires further research. Social responsibility as a concept encourages each person to take into account the interests of society, taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on other people, communities and the environment in all aspects. State responsibility before society is embedded in the essence of the modern understanding of the role of the state, which is characterized by a focus on social values, on creating conditions that ensure a dignified life and free development of the individual. The broadest interpretation of social responsibility is applied to various business structures, but at the same time, it is necessary to clearly separate enterprises and organizations whose activity consists in organization and control specifically in the social sphere and those that adhere to certain social norms and rules when conducting their own commercial activities. This separation is necessary because they have different purposes, functions and capabilities. The article analyzes the essence of the concept of «social responsibility of marketing» and its basic components, starting with the study of the historical genesis of the concepts of «social responsibility» and «marketing» and the definition of the range of basic social and ethical issues that arise in the process of marketing activities, namely when conducting marketing research, formation of product, price and communication policy. In this study, the most common violations when working with customers, respondents, databases, product range, pricing tools, which can create a negative image of the company and lead to a significant deterioration in the perception of its activities by consumers and loss of competitive positions in the market, are listed.
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