In the article, there is a need to implement a regional policy aimed at socio-economic restructuring and regeneration of the Ukrainian village. The development of rural territories is based on the change of institutional, economic, environmental, demographic, social, cultural factors without any middle influence on the growth of the life of the rural population. It has been suggested to interpret the concept of "silk territory", the author's concept is based on the organizational-territorial unity of self-alignment with specific rices, on the basis of the development of such an expansion of the economic potential of the plant, the initiative of the kinematics of the powers and the reality of the transition. Officials have seen the development of rural territories. The relationship and interdependence between the rural territory and the rural community is determined, aimed at effective management of the community based on the principles of independence (organizational and financial), responsibility and control over all available natural, energy, material, labor and other resources for the development of rural areas. Decentralization changes contribute to the activation of the power of territorial communities in relation to the development of rural areas, the residents of which should be motivated and interested in the growth of the rural economy and provision of the community's own needs. We associate the development of rural areas with agriculture and agricultural activities, therefore, in modern conditions, solving the problem of the agrarian sector can become its own destruction of overcoming the decline of rural areas. When forming the mechanism of state support for the development of rural areas, the needs and interests of territorial communities, as well as the specifics of industries and enterprises operating in these areas, must be taken into account.
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