For many decades, all types of transport independently underwent technological evolution and were oriented to a specific type of transportation. This made it possible to satisfy the economic needs of the country quite fully. However, today, a complex system of intermodal transportation and efficient logistics are the determining factors in successful implementation through sales chains. The new economic conditions for the formation of the market for transport services, the creation and strengthening of competition encourage the study of trends in the functioning and development of transport in countries with a market economy for self-improvement and the formation of competitive logistics supply chains. Therefore, this topic of the article is relevant for today. The article examines the current state and prospects for the development of transport corridors of Ukraine. The authors' points of view on the issue of the use of international transport corridors passing through the territory of Ukraine are analyzed. The article also lists internal and external problems that prevent the use of international transport corridors, as well as possible approaches to their solution. Prospects for the use and development of international transport corridors, Ukraine, have been identified. The justified possibility of Ukraine's participation in the "New Silk Road" project, its feasibility and impact on the economy. The question of the transport potential of Ukraine in the conditions of military aggression of the Russian Federation was raised. The prospects of the country to become the main cargo carrier between Europe and Asia are considered. Necessary measures for the development of the transport industry of Ukraine and the improvement of its economic situation as a whole have been determined. The value of the research lies in the fact that international transport corridors for Ukraine are not just important, but a necessary element for existence in the modern world trade and political reality. IТC for the country is not only an increase in transport and trade capabilities, but also the attraction of foreign investments in the economy, development of infrastructure, logistics, development of the service sector, attraction of human capital, etc.
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