Keywords: tourist industry, territorial tourist destination, tourist business, security, innovative development


The article defines the architecture of the modern modernization paradigm of safe innovative development of the tourism industry, which should be based on innovative, infrastructural and safety components. The safety model of the innovative development of the tourist industry based on the classical approach, which takes into account the risk factor with a destructive nature, has been supplemented. The content of safe innovative activity of the tourism industry is revealed, as the state of functioning of territorial tourist destinations in a certain period, which is characterized by the absence of destructive influences, threats and risks capable of slowing down the stable tourist flow in the future period. It is proposed to single out the following structural components of the modernization paradigm of safe innovative development of the tourism industry: safety of innovative development of the tourist business; security of tourist facilities; safety of tourist flows; social security of tourists. The mathematical assessment of the safe state of the innovative development of the territorial tourist destination is formalized. A system of indicators for assessing the level of the social component of the safe innovative development of the tourist industry in the territorial tourist destination has been formed. It is proven that the modernization paradigm of safe innovative development of the tourism industry takes place under the influence of a complex combination of external and internal factors, the specifics of which influence depends on the specialization of territorial tourist destinations, their tourist potential and the conjuncture of the national and international tourist market. The number of subjects of tourist activity was calculated on average per territorial tourist destination and in Ukraine as a whole, which characterize the overall functional potential of the tourism industry in the country by the number of tourist services. The comprehensive approach of assessing the safe state of innovative development of the tourism industry in the economic system of the state in order to ensure the safe innovative development of the tourist industry in Ukraine is substantiated.


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