The article is devoted to topical issues of managing financial resources local self-government bodies under martial law. Based on a retrospective analysis, the key stages of the implementation reform local self-government and territorial organization power, which ensured the formation of financially capable territorial communities capable functioning effectively in difficult conditions, were highlighted. Each of the stages implementation specified reform is characterized and the degree of implementation reforms of each stages is determined. The key changes in the norms of budget legislation regarding the management financial resources local self-government bodies have been identified, introduced in the conditions of martial law. The composition and structure revenues local budgets of Ukraine in the period from January to September 2021-2022 were analyzed. The key factors that determined the growth of tax revenues in the structure local budgets during the period martial law in the country were determined. The characteristics of other sources income formation local budgets are given, taking into account the peculiarities of the present. The features of the distribution local budget revenues between general and special funds are considered. The composition and structure of expenditures local budgets Ukraine in the period January-September 2021-2022 were analyzed. The characteristic features of the distribution financial resources local authorities between their own and delegated powers, taking into account the requirements and threats military operations, were highlighted. It was established that as a result of making changes to the norms of the budget legislation, stable and sufficiently effective financing activities local authorities was ensured in modern conditions large-scale military aggression. The specified changes in the norms of the budget legislation made it possible to react promptly and overcome the consequences of military aggression and the economic crisis. Further steps in the direction of the formation an effective system management financial resources local self-government bodies in the conditions of martial law are proposed.
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