Keywords: strategic management, innovative entrepreneurship, traditional entrepreneurship, convergent entrepreneurship, competitive advantage


It is declared that convergent entrepreneurship is the result of the process of interactivity and at the same time is a form of symbiosis of innovative and traditional business, which ensures a stable dynamic balance of regional development and the formation of strategic competitive advantages. Interactivity as a process is manifested in the movement of interaction, mutual penetration and mutual support of traditional business with innovative entrepreneurship. From another point of view convergent entrepreneurship operates in the form of mutual relations, which manifests itself as symbiosis. In the process of strategic management of the development of convergent entrepreneurship, it is advisable to introduce relations that are useful for both types of entrepreneurship and take the form of mutualism. This form of relations ensures effective interaction, mutual support and mutual relations, creates conditions for dynamic stability of regional business development. For the organization of effective management of convergent entrepreneurship, it is recommended to apply a systematic approach to strategic management. The system perspective suggests the use of the system as a set of elements that interact with each other in the process of its functioning. Innovative entrepreneurship, traditional entrepreneurship, the process of interactivity and the form of relations are distinguished as elements of the system. The system of strategic management of convergent entrepreneurship involves the following main tasks: to apply a system of controlling with weak signals, which allows to prevent the formation of stable negative forms that will inhibit convergent entrepreneurship; introduction of such a mechanism as clustering, which allows establishing convergent entrepreneurship not only within the boundaries of one business, but building a territorial system of convergent entrepreneurship; to form a support system (legal, institutional, consulting) in the region for the effective functioning of convergent entrepreneurship; promote the formation of a creative class in the region.


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Didyk, V., Tizesh, P., & Moroz, V. (2022). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF CONVERGENT ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Economy and Society, (45).