The article is devoted to the analysis of changes in the state regulatory policy and their impact on the processes of sustainable development of territories. It is shown how decentralization of power provides direct influence of local authorities on sustainable development of the territory. It is emphasized that for the first time in their recent history, territorial communities are responsible for the economic development of their territories, the local social sphere and the preservation of the environment. The task of the state in this context is the formation of an effective regulatory policy capable of ensuring the effectiveness of the tasks. The adoption of the Resolution by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “On the Concept of Sustainable Development of Settlements” in 1999 was the beginning of regulatory influence on sustainable development of territories. In this document, the concept and tasks of sustainable development of settlements are quite clearly outlined. The reasons for which it has been virtually impossible to implement the provisions of this document are defined. The main one has been the permanent lack of necessary financial resources and complete dependence on the center in these matters. The transfer of most powers to the local level and the adoption of a number of regulations gradually begin to address the problems of sustainable development of territories with the beginning of the processes of decentralization only. Changes in the regulatory policy in the field of financial support for the development of territorial communities have been revealed; accordingly, the conditions for solving the most important tasks of state influence on the sustainable development of the territory have been created. Territorial communities receive greater financial resources in the process of fiscal decentralization in the form of taxes, fees and other sources of revenue. In addition, the Government of Ukraine annually increases the amount of state financial support for the development of regions and communities by financing state support programs for territorial development. It is shown that the legislation of Ukraine divides the competencies and powers of local governments into their own powers and those delegated by the state. It is considered how the possibilities of their financial provision are divided in this connection. The responsibilities include ensuring balanced economic and social development of the territory, preservation of environment and a number of other tasks related to the management of the territory. The powers delegated by the state are to ensure compliance with social standards of life and responsibility for the functioning of the social sphere. In case of insufficient financial resources to finance delegated powers, the state applies the mechanism of intergovernmental transfers. Thus, in the process of changes and improvements in regulatory policy, conditions are created for solving the most important tasks of state influence on the sustainable development of the territory.
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