Keywords: personnel motivation system, enterprise competitiveness, forms of motivation, material motivation, non-material motivation, personnel management


The article is devoted to topical issues of personnel motivation as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise. After all, personnel is the most complex and specific resource. The efficiency of the enterprise largely depends on the efficiency of the personnel. Today, the tasks of ensuring proper working conditions for personnel in order to achieve high performance results and leading positions in the market are being updated for the heads of enterprises. At the same time, special attention should be focused on the issue of personnel motivation. The goal is to substantiate the theoretical aspects and develop practical recommendations for improving the personnel motivation system as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise. In the process of carrying out the research, general scientific and special methods of cognition were used: generalization and abstraction; comparative analysis; comparisons and analogies; analysis; survey; simulation of situations. The basic approaches to the interpretation of the definition of "staff motivation" are revealed. We believe that this concept should be understood as a qualitative symbiosis of internal and external factors, the use of which is aimed at self-motivation, as well as the interest, encouragement and stimulation of the company's personnel in order to increase efficiency indicators and the level of labor productivity in modern organizations. The components of the personnel motivation system of modern enterprises are analyzed and systematized. The relationship between staff motivation and enterprise competitiveness was studied. In the current conditions, we consider it expedient to apply a comprehensive method of forming a personnel motivation system. We have proposed a comprehensive model of the personnel motivation system, which includes the following components of work motivation, namely economic, social, psychological, institutional and organizational. The system of incentive components contains a set of factors that determine its content, which must be taken into account by the general motivational system of the enterprise. At the same time, the interaction of these components of the incentive system creates synergy, including operational, financial and optimization, which covers the costs of the incentive due to the cumulative results of the incentive system, which is comprehensive. The directions of optimization of the personnel motivation system in the conditions of modern challenges are outlined. The implementation of all recommended measures in the practical activities of enterprises will allow to form an effective system of motivation, which will ensure an increase in labor productivity at the enterprise and obtaining additional competitive positions in the market environment.


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