Keywords: immersive technologies, innovations, virtual reality, augmented reality, hotel business


The article is relevant given that the issues of immersive technologies, which are innovative for the hotel business, are still not widely covered in the domestic scientific literature. Leisure component of hotel businesses in Ukraine is a problematic as well. Purpose and methods. The aim of the article is to analyze the use of immersive technologies as an innovative component of the hotel business practice, focusing on the leisure aspect of their implementation. The method of business cases is used in the work. At the same time, the system-structural approach and the method of generalization were applied. Results. Based on the analysis, the essence and role of immersive technologies in the leisure activities of hotel facilities are revealed, the main approaches to their use are described. There are three main areas of immersive technologies usage in the hotel business: marketing, leisure and education. Conclusions and discussions. The leisure aspect of immersive technologies usage in the hotel business is revealed in the article. Based on the theoretical analysis of their implementation, it is concluded that this issue is not developed in the Ukrainian scientific literature. The introduction of immersive technologies can be considered as an innovation, given that "innovation is the creation or improvement of competitive technologies (products or services), which in this period of time are implemented in the activities of enterprises." This innovation can be classified both as an innovation in the field of information technology and an innovation in the field of multimedia technology. Due to the fact, that the difference between these categories is insignificant, it is proposed in the article to combine them into one - "digital innovation". Based on the generalization, it is concluded that the introduction of virtual reality technologies in the hotel business allow hotels to operate successfully in the following areas: marketing; leisure; teaching. The results of the work can be used in the development of management decisions on the implementation of immersive technologies in hotels.


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Okumus, F., Bilgihan, A., Ozturk, A.B. and Zhao, X.(R). (2017) Identifying and overcoming barriers to deployment of information technology projects in hotels, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 30 No. 5, pp. 744-766.

Van Krevelen DWF & Poelman R. (2010) A survey of augmented reality technologies, applications and limitations, International Journal of Virtual Reality, Vol. 9, No. 2.

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How to Cite
Bondar, N., BotsіanT., & Sharan, L. (2022). IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE HOTEL BUSINESS: AN ANALYSIS OF WORLD EXPERIENCE. Economy and Society, (45).