Keywords: housing policy, lease housing, accessibility of rent, social deprivation for the availability of housing, energy poverty, social support in the living sphere, housing subsidies


The article is devoted to the analysis of international experience in the field of housing policy in terms of providing access to housing and raising living conditions. Particular attention is paid to the ways of housing policy, the forms of participation of the state, the scale and mechanisms of supporting citizens in solving these issues. The latest guidelines, successful practices, target contingents, differences and common features of housing policy of different countries are investigated. It is determined that the main course of progressive housing policies is the development of the rental market. The capacity of some European countries has been evaluated to resolve a housing issue through lease, compared with the opportunities of Ukrainians in the pre -war period. The situation in Ukraine to support the population in ensuring access to housing and improving the quality of living conditions is analyzed. The efficiency of the housing subsidy program as the only real -functioning state social assistance, which prevents the energy poverty of Ukrainian households and improves the quality of their living conditions, is analyzed separately. On the basis of microimitative modeling, the share of potential recipients of the housing subsidy program and the volumes of financial burden on the State Budget of Ukraine during the war 2022 was evaluated. According to the results of the study and taking into account the present realities, the main directions of reforming and adapting policy in the housing sector of Ukraine were proposed. The reconstruction of the housing stock and replenishment of the rental market by revitalizing buildings should meet European and international standards in terms of ensuring decent living conditions: energy efficiency, size, planning, territorial accessibility to social infrastructure, city planning, etc. As part of the increase in the availability of the population to housing, more attention should be paid to the development of individual social programs (or the creation of individual modules on the basis of existing ones, such as housing subsidies) aimed at subsidizing or providing benefits for tenants, including in the private sector. The experience of countries in which the state payments are already widespread will fit for this.


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