The scientific article is dedicated to solving problems on investment support of agricultural enterprises in radioactively contaminated areas of Ukraine. The research has emphasized the connection between the problems on investment support of agricultural producers in the country and support of the stable growth of both the agrarian sector and the Ukrainian economy in general. The assessment of investment activity dynamics of agricultural enterprisers located in radioactively contaminated areas in the Zhytomyr region during 2002 – 2019 has detected the problems: on investment in fixed capital; the ratio of investment and earnings of the agricultural producers located in RCA in 2017 – 2019. The study has proved the existence of a significant shortage of investment resources among agricultural producers from radioactively contaminated areas as well as the possibility to solve the problem by using economic and mathematical modeling. By choosing agricultural production of producers located in radioactively contaminated areas as an effective feature and the value of financial leasing of agricultural enterprises located in radioactively contaminated areas, the cost of loans granted by credit unions for agricultural activities, the lending cost to agricultural enterprises by deposit-taking corporations, except NBU as factor features, the necessity to emphasize the financial leasing aspect for agricultural producers in radioactively contaminated areas has been proved. Economic and mathematical modeling has shown that the volume of products will increase by 5% in case of a 1% increase of the financial leasing value of agricultural enterprises in radioactively contaminated areas. The research has suggested the implementation of a comprehensive approach for introducing financial leasing to investment support of agricultural enterprises in radioactively contaminated areas. It will contribute to the following: accelerating their material and technical re-equipment; expanding access of small enterprises to financial resources; creation of a network of agricultural service cooperatives.
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