Keywords: european experience, sustainable development, hospitality industry


The article discusses the prospects of implementing the European experience of sustainable development of the hospitality industry in Ukraine. The latter involves bringing the content and process of development of the hospitality industry to European norms and rules. The European development of the hospitality industry is based on the concept of sustainable development, which involves balancing the economic, social and environmental impact of the hospitality industry on the environment. The paper identifies modern problems of sustainable development of the hospitality industry in the regions of Ukraine. Among the regional features, it is worth highlighting the strengthening of cooperation and cooperation among various groups of stakeholders The article also examines the state of the global hospitality industry, as one of the key forms of global exchange of products and services in the world. It is noted that one of the reasons for the globalization of this sector of the economy is the increase in the number of the world's population and the increase in the rate of its migration. The work also analyzed the dynamics of the development of the international market of tourist services, and formed the regional structure of international tourist flows. The Ukrainian market of the hospitality industry, which has been destructively affected by a number of influencing factors in recent years, has been studied. However, the aforementioned caused a significant development of domestic tourism, which is confirmed by the indicators of the tourist tax. In the work, the profile of Ukraine in the world rating of "Tourism Competitiveness" was built, the place of the hospitality industry of Ukraine in the global market of services was analyzed. It is proven that the war in Ukraine caused a global energy and food crisis in the world, which left its mark on the development of the hospitality industry at the global level. The safety criterion is defined as a key priority for the sustainable development of the hospitality industry. The work also substantiates the feasibility of strengthening cooperation between stakeholders in the process of sustainable development of the hospitality industry, by forming various professional associations in the form of clusters, unions, alliances, etc. Such an approach should be implemented with the use of public-private partnership tools.


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