Keywords: nostalgic tourism, religious tourism, sentimental tourism, border regions, Ukraine, Poland


The purpose of the article is to generalize the conceptual foundations of the nostalgic and religious types of tourism development and to justify their selection as a separate direction – nostalgic-religious, as well as to study the prerequisites for the development of this type of tourism on the Ukrainian-Polish border (on the example of the Ryasne neighborhood of the Lviv city). The relevance of the topic lies in need to study and use the existing prerequisites for the nostalgic and religious tourism development in the border zone of Ukraine and Poland, as well as the insufficient study of these issues in the scientific papers of Ukrainian and foreign authors. Approaches to the understanding of nostalgic and sentimental tourism, the need to distinguish nostalgic and religious tourism also requires clarification. During the research, the methods of analysis of literary sources and archival data, generalization, grouping, interviewing, and cartographic methods were used. Approaches to understanding nostalgic, sentimental, and religious tourism are considered. Nostalgic-religious tourism is singled out as a particularly promising type of tourism activity in the example of the Ukrainian-Polish border. The origin of the focus group of immigrants who were evicted from the territories of the present Republic of Poland in 1946 and now live compactly with their families in the Ryasne neighborhood of Lviv city was investigated. The parish churches of the localities where the settlers of the studied group come from were identified, and their current condition and suitability for tourism use were determined. The analysis results are presented in the form of a table and a map, which demonstrates promising objects of nostalgic and religious tourism based on the study materials of the researched focus group origin. A conclusion is made about the prospects for the development of nostalgic and religious tourism on the Ukrainian-Polish border and its role in the activation of cross-border cooperation. The practical significance of the research results is the substantiation of the concept of the development of nostalgic-religious tourism on the Ukrainian-Polish border and the identification of sacred objects that can be used during the organization of tours.


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