The article examines the theoretical foundations of the essence of the bank's financial stability, defines its types, structure, and considers its management scheme. The dynamics of the number of operating banks in Ukraine was analyzed, it was determined that during 2016-2022 the number of banks in Ukraine decreased by an average of 30 units, while the number of banks with foreign capital during the studied period did not show such a decrease. On the example of JSC CB "PrivatBank", an analysis of the management of the bank's financial stability was carried out by performing a ratio analysis and assessing the level of profitability of the bank's assets and capital. Based on the analysis of the bank's development strategy, a number of approaches to optimize the financial stability of banks by creating credit programs for businesses and developing competitive digital banking are proposed. In order to determine the effectiveness of our proposed approaches, a forecast of the bank's profitability indicators was carried out. It was determined that despite the fact that the bank is state-owned and can count on subsidies from the state budget in the event of a crisis. It was determined that it is expedient for the bank to manage the bank's financial stability by focusing on its own financial capabilities in the process of counteracting the impact of crisis phenomena, so as not to create additional costs for the state budget in the event of a crisis. Ensuring the financial stability of the bank and the banking sector should be a priority task of the state, as the regulator of the banking sector, accordingly, the state strictly controls the activities of banks, using various mechanisms and levers for this purpose. This experience deserves attention, study and implementation in domestic banking practice, since the state of banking supervision in Ukraine by the state does not always correspond to the real situation in the country's economy. At the same time, as some scientists point out, using foreign experience, it is not necessary to blindly copy all anti-crisis management tools: their implementation requires adaptation to the realities of the domestic financial and banking system.
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