The article is devoted to the study of actual principles of management of marketing activity of modern enterprises and determination of directions of its improvement in modern conditions. Marketing activity is an objective necessity of orientation of scientific-technical, production and household activity of the enterprise taking into account market demand, needs and requirements of consumers. This reflects and constantly increases the tendency to organize production in a systematic way in order to increase the efficiency of the enterprise in general and its economic subdivisions in particular. It has been determined that the main task of marketing management is to synchronize the process of managing the 4P elements while improving the efficiency of the remaining elements in performing their functional purpose. Complex analytical, planning, organizational work at all available levels of the subject (corporation, business unit, structural subdivision) in the process of marketing management in the final result has summed up formation and management of system marketing instruments that directly create value, and gains the benefit not only for the consumer and the subject, which reach their goals on the market, and for all participants of the exchange. The main stages of development of the marketing department in the company are considered, the principles of effective management of marketing activities are analyzed. The methods for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing activities carried out at the enterprise, including non-monetary and financial indicators, are studied. Results of analysis of works of leading scientists, which considered principles of marketing management, allowed to reveal the diversity of theoretical approaches of authors to the content and list of proposed principles. Ways to improve the management of marketing activities that will improve the performance of economic activity are identified. The company should have a marketing system that would allow it to plan its marketing activities as accurately as possible, organize the work of the marketing department correctly and control these processes. All areas of marketing improvement should be implemented systematically, comprehensively.
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