Keywords: marketing sales policy, marketing communications of banks, bank departments, customer service, impersonal communication model, technological innovations, online banking


It has been established that, in today's conditions, commercial banks of Ukraine actively use the network of their branches and departments, the personal sales system, to sell their products. At the same time, the leaders in terms of the number of branches and self-service zones are banks with a state share – JSC "Oschadbank" and JSC CB "PRIVATBANK". In banking activities in the field of sales, it is important to ensure the appropriate level of service to individuals and legal entities in branches within the framework of the organization of personal sales. In the field of services for legal entities, leading banks are held by state-owned banks JSB "UKRGASBANK" and JSC "Ukreximbank". In the ranking of the best marketing teams of Ukraine in 2021, there were such banks as JSC "FUIB", European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, JSC "ALFA-BANK", Monobank (JSC "UNIVERSAL BANK"). At the same time, JSC "FUIB" and Monobank (JSC "UNIVERSAL BANK") are actively engaged in effective marketing communications, significant communication efforts are directed to the formation of their brands. It was determined that Ukrainian banking institutions are oriented towards the use of a mostly impersonal communication model with the market and its subjects, other target audiences. The conditions of martial law further intensified the social theme in the marketing communications of banking institutions. Due to the forced mode of remote work, commercial banks have significantly expanded their infrastructure for the use of mobile and Internet banking, reducing the number of their own branches. Commercial banks can use the following tools to improve the effectiveness of marketing sales and communication policy: Shoppable posts in social networks, interactive e-mail, organization of social listening, various alternative social media, drawing up an advertising program that includes media buying, tracking effectiveness of online advertising, targeting using various software, optimization of specific fragments, use of blogs where bloggers can directly communicate with viewers; the involvement of personal correspondence for direct communication with customers in the direction of improving their service.


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How to Cite
Demko, M., & Cherkes, R. (2022). MODERN TRENDS IN SALES AND PROMOTION OF BANKING PRODUCTS IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (44).