International integration and globalization are processes that dominate world politics, economics, and social and other spheres of society. Science and education are key elements in the formation of a highly cultured and developed society, which directly affects the formation of the state and its place in the international arena. Internationalization contributes to the rapprochement of countries in the field of formation of educational unions and a single sensory space, respectively, global problems need to be addressed jointly, among which the high quality of higher education is prominent. The main purpose of this article is to isolate and comparative analysis of requests for Ukrainian higher education institutions. The relevance of the work is enhanced by the relatively recent reform in the field of higher education, the emergence of new standards for determining the quality of higher education, and its standardization, which is based on the processes of ranking and ranking of higher education institutions. The issue of popularization of higher education institutions among entrants and growth of ratings with the help of marketing tools is especially important. In today's digital world, life without the Internet is virtually impossible, so the analysis of Internet strategies in higher education is gaining momentum and interest. The article identifies the role of Internet tools in the promotion of higher education institutions. The popularity of Ukrainian higher education institutions is analyzed, using search engine optimization (SEO) tools. The role and place of Internet marketing in the policy of higher education institutions are revealed. The main problems of the rating process of higher education institutions and its impact on ensuring the quality standards of higher education are described. The possible influence of internet marketing, in particular through search engine promotion, on the increase of the site rating and the general name of the university due to the increase in queries, is analyzed. Also, based on the academic rating "Top-200 Ukraine 2020", the authors selected five technical universities and determined the popularity of their names in the regions of Ukraine in 2010 and 2020 based on the Google Trends web application of the Google search engine.
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