The search for a media company's position in the media market is associated with the organization and conduct of media research, which determines the preferences of the audience that acts as a consumer of the media product. The development of the media and its stability in the media market will be determined by the speed of response to changes in the external environment, which is impossible without appropriate research. The result of media research will be, on the one hand, the identification of problems in the media product (content) of the enterprise, and on the other – the identification of prospects for further development through borrowed advertising funds. Classification of methods of mediametry is possible on several grounds: the method of data collection and analysis, the nature of the organization and the duration of relations with respondents, the frequency of research, methods of obtaining data. The main methods of obtaining data are diary panels, questionnaires, panels built on the principle of electronic scanning. Specialized research methods include those that are suitable for one particular type of media. First of all, we are talking about external media (such as billboards). The choice of method depends on a number of factors, namely: the type of media for which the study is conducted; sample size; the cost of research and financial capabilities of the organization, etc. The results of the research can also be influenced by several factors: the respondent's attitude to the survey procedure or the content of the questions in the questionnaire, to the responsible performance of work in the case of self-registration of the event; the influence of the interviewer on the respondent, the need and quality of additional technical means, etc. Processing of research results involves the definition of indicators (parameters), some of which can be used for any media, and the other part is specific with limited use. Mediametric indicators are divided into single and multiple, general and cumulative. The general indicators include: rating, coverage, frequency, profile, share. The results of research are used in determining the popularity of a media product, studying the competitive environment, media planning and more.
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