Keywords: strategic analysis, strategic management, factors, external environment, internal environment, potential, business planning


The article is devoted to defining the essence of strategic analysis, its main principles as well as the formation the sequence and mechanism of strategic analysis. We consider strategic analysis as a logical and meaningful method, the essence of which is information and analytical provision of business planning processes and enterprise development assessment. Strategic analysis involves the use of models that visually formulate the relationship between the organization's functioning effectiveness and the controlled and uncontrolled parameters that determine the effectiveness level. The article provides a detailed analysis the theoretical and practical scientists developments, which made it possible to form the strategic analysis principles. Strategic analysis types were grouped in accordance with the study subjects and the possible purpose of conducting it. Based on the scientists works, we systematized methods, approaches, models of strategic analysis and grouped them depending on the strategic analysis types. The choice of the external environment analysis method is influenced by such characteristics the external environment as complexity, mobility, uncertainty, and events familiarity. The conducted comparative assessment of strategic analysis methods allows us to note that almost all methods of analysing the company's potential have the following advantages: competitive advantage determination, factors serving production consideration, presence of a certain research sequence. Disadvantages inherent to almost all potential analysis methods include the unavailability of data on costs and other competitors indicators, and the static nature the models. Economic and mathematical methods, which can be used and are used in the strategic analysis practice, are in great importance in the external environment and the enterprise potential analysis. Separately, it is worth focusing on a group of expert methods that are rarely used in the strategic analysis practice and involve taking into account the experts subjective opinion about the future state of the research object. Expert assessments are characterized by a forecast of the future based on both rational reasoning and intuitive knowledge.


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