Keywords: strategic management, artificial intelligence, development, banking institution, external environment, improvement, technology


The article is devoted to the issues of theoretical and methodological substantiation and practical implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the system of strategic management of banking institution development. The content and directions of AI technologies application in the management of modern organizations strategic development, as well as the prospects for testing the world experience in Ukraine are determined. The features of the strategic development of the banking sector are described, the key priorities characteristic of the current stage is highlighted. The aspects and advantages of artificial intelligence technologies application in the banking system are analyzed, the key issues of increasing the competitiveness of banking institutions due to AI technologies in an unstable and changing environment are highlighted. It is substantiated that an important aspect of the application of AI technologies is marketing activities and risk management along with the improvement of decision-making processes The reasons that encourage banks to actively develop digital transformation projects and implement artificial intelligence technologies in operational and strategic activities are identified. It is noted that soon the banking sector will be divided into representatives of the traditional and newest segment, each of which will have its own market share. Based on the results of the empirical analysis, the areas of strategic management that are in focus of the leading banks and can be improved due to the capabilities of artificial intelligence algorithms and other breakthrough technologies are identified. It was also underlined that digital technologies, which are considered from the standpoint of empowering staff, and not for the purpose of its functional replacement, will maintain a higher level of motivation and engagement of the employees. The directions of the system of banking institution strategic management improvement through technological updating of services, automation and optimization of business processes based on AI are substantiated.


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How to Cite
Bei, H., Shperchuk, A., & Dumanska, A. (2022). POSSIBILITIES OF IMPLEMENTING AI TECHNOLOGIES IN THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF A BANKING INSTITUTION DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (44). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-44-53