Keywords: military bonds, investment instrument, savings, budget financing, martial law


The article defines the essence and features of an important investment instrument, as military bonds of the domestic state loan. The features of this tool are outlined. The most important advantages that citizens receive by investing their funds in bonds are summarized. The need for the existence of such a tool for the state and what it receives as a result of this has been determined. It has been studied how funds accumulated from bonds help the country during the introduction of martial law. The mechanism of purchase and sale of military bonds of the domestic state loan has been studied. It has been clarified what each participant of this process will receive in the final result. The yield from military bonds of the domestic state loan is compared with the yield from investments in bank deposits. Military bonds are, in fact, a type of domestic state loan bonds (OVDP), that is, securities issued by the state in the form of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. And this is very important and necessary for our country. Thus, the state receives funds for the budget with targeted direction, and citizens get a reliable investment tool, because the return of funds is guaranteed by the state, and at the same time the opportunity to help our country. The features and positive aspects of the process of investing in military bonds have been considered. A feature of military bonds is the absence of taxation of income received in the form of annual interest. That is, a person does not pay income tax and military duty, but receives their income in full. Therefore, bonds give a higher yield, unlike deposits, which will still be subject to taxes. Military bonds provide an opportunity to combine investing and saving your money and the desire to help Ukraine and our brave soldiers. The government advertises the bonds as "investments in the defeat of russia." This is very useful, because the state also has the funds it needs, and people have the opportunity to curb stress and panic and feel that theyare doing something useful too.


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How to Cite
Abdullaieva, A., & Skladaniuk, M. (2022). FEATURES OF INVESTMENT IN MILITARY BONDS. Economy and Society, (44). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-44-52