The article is devoted to modeling issues. Since the modeling process is quite relevant in modern society. A well-chosen model can ensure the viability of the enterprise in the future. Moreover, modeling is an effective tool for analysis and research of financial and economic processes and phenomena, for making management decisions, for increasing the efficiency of enterprises. Many works of foreign and domestic scientists are devoted to modeling problems. However, the position of their works is debatable. Therefore, this issue needs further research. The purpose of the article is to study a conceptual approach to modeling the influence of financial indicators on the results of the enterprise. The conceptual approach to modeling is the construction of a concept. The concept should include the most priority areas of development of the researched object for a specific period of time or until the achievement of the set goal. The developed concept includes the purpose, principles, tasks, methods and models. The purpose of the developed concept is to create a model for evaluating and forecasting the results of the company's activities under the influence of changes in financial indicators. By performing the assigned tasks, using the tools and following the principles of modeling, it is possible to achieve the set goal. If the goal is not achieved, it is worth going back and reviewing the correctness of the tasks and set of tools. In order to reveal the influence of indicators on the performance of enterprises, it is necessary to conduct vertical and horizontal analyses. The vertical analysis showed the structure of revenues and expenses of enterprises in percentage terms, how the net profit is formed, how it is affected by revenues and expenses. The horizontal analysis showed the dynamics of indicators in absolute and relative terms. It is also worth conducting a correlation-regression analysis. It showed the relationships between the variables and how close they are. The result of the analysis is also a regression equation and a forecast of net profit for the next five years for enterprises of the transport industry of Ukraine.
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