Keywords: foreign economic activity, Euroregional cooperation, region, activation mechanism, toolkits


Foreign economic activity intensification in the European countries is one of the priorities of the ensuring sustainable social and economic development of the regions. Therefore, a topical government assignment is to study the issues of foreign trade activation at the regional level. The system of foreign economic activity intensification (tools, institutional components and the nature of their interaction) in each country is original. Its configuration depends on the degree of government intervention in economic life. The main purpose of this paper is to assess the issue of region`s foreign economic activity activation in the context of Euroregional cooperation. It was formulated a mechanism for the foreign economic activity activation of the region in the context of Euroregional cooperation, the Association Agreement with the European Community in particular. The structural components of the foreign economic activity activation mechanism are systematized and analyzed: levels, key links, toolkits, approaches, factors and methods of the internal and external environment, which provide a stimulator in the intensification of the region`s foreign economic activity. In order to clarify research papers and identify the significant components of the mechanism of foreign economic activation, the method of morphological analysis was adopted. This made it possible to systematize different options in terms of their characteristics and create new, hypothetically possible objects and tools. Hence the research methods, of comparison, theoretical generalization and data systematization, etc. were applied. Economic methods are defined as key methods in the development of foreign economic activation mechanism. They can be used to forecast regional development, in particular, to identify positive and negative trends in foreign economic activity, as well as to make adjustments to regional development. The results of the study can facilitate derive recommendations for the introduction of foreign economic activity activation of the regions.


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