Keywords: strategy, sustainable development, export, import, food security, agribusiness


The article is devoted to the topical issues of determining ways to ensure food security and sustainable development of rural areas in the crisis period. It is noted that systematic and comprehensive development of rural areas, as well as the formation of competitive agricultural production in Ukraine, is largely restrained due to the lack of a coordinated development strategy that would direct an efforts of all interested parties to achieve the specified goals. The author analyzed statistical data and identified a number of negative processes in the agriculture of Ukraine, in particular ongoing decline in the number of cattle and decrease in the volume of livestock products received by processing enterprises, increase in the volume of imports of dairy and meat products, significantly lower than the recommended norm the average rate of consumption of beef and veal, milk and dairy products. The article provides suggestions regarding the list of key provisions of the specified strategy in several directions such as development of modern comprehensive programs for the revival of dairy farming, implementation of measures to improve the quality of dairy raw materials, reduction of VAT on dairy products, development and implementation of new methods of forage enrichment for dairy cattle breeding, state support for the development of processing of livestock products considering zonal features. The author reviewed the measures taken by the state recently and emphasized the importance of continuing the process of developing a comprehensive program to support Ukrainian agricultural producers. It is summarized that mentioned decisions should become a part of a systematic set of measures to support Ukrainian agricultural producers as well as making of a comprehensive strategy for the development of Ukrainian agricultural production and implementation of measures aimed at achieving the goals defined by the strategy will increase the effectiveness of agrarian policy, contribute to the comprehensive development of agricultural production and rural areas, and ensure the appropriate level of food security of the state.


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How to Cite
Savytskyi, E. (2022). ENSURING FOOD SECURITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS DURING A CRISIS PERIOD. Economy and Society, (44). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-44-28