Keywords: investment potential, direct foreign investment, investment image, formation of investment attractiveness, foreign investment attraction policy, economic recovery


The article is devoted to the problems and prospects of attracting foreign investments to the economy of Ukraine, which is of particular importance during the recovery of the economy after the Russian-Ukrainian war. The investment potential of the country highlights the possibility of their effective attraction in the form of long-term deposits, and its implementation involves the actual use of these opportunities, which is necessary for the priority, new and promising industries of the country that need recovery after complete or partial destruction due to hostilities. The article examines the essence of the country's investment potential and identifies the components of it’s concept. The flows of foreign investments in Ukraine, their volume, direction and country of origin were analyzed. A review of the dynamics of foreign investment flows over 10 years and the factors that influenced it was carried out. The importance of certain areas of foreign investment and their volume for the national economy in the long term is justified. On the basis of the analysis of foreign experience, recommendations are given on the formation of investment attractiveness of strategic areas of Ukraine in the conditions of economic recovery after the Russian-Ukrainian war, taking into account the priorities of its economic development. To achieve the goal and solve the main problems of the article, various research methods are used: dialectical and abstract-logical methods, the method of generalization and systematization when studying the essence of the concept of investment potential, as well as methods of grouping, comparison and mathematical statistics when analyzing the investment potential of Ukraine. The obtained results showed that the foreign investments involved before the war were used inefficiently, because they did not contribute to the innovative development of industries and almost did not create added value of Ukrainian products. Formulated conclusions and proposals can be used to increase the effectiveness of the formation of the investment potential of Ukraine during the reconstruction of the economy after the war.


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How to Cite
Demishev, I., & Voitko, S. (2022). TO THE CASE OF THE INVESTMENT POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE DURING AND AFTER THE WAR. Economy and Society, (44).